Modcrafter Name: Pronouns: Religion: Sect: Tech ID: Favor: Depending on your Tech ID, you are either a Tavarrian Cybergrafter, Electrogen Genehacker, or Puri Gadgeteer. You were never content with the limitations afforded by nature. Whether adept in the art of electrogenetics, cybernetics, or gadgetry, you’re who people go to when they need a physical tune-up to give them an edge against all the rabble of Delphia looking to put them in the ground. Special Once per Exploit, you may use the Supercharge Goal to soup up any single Modification, gaining +3 to any roll in which you use it for the duration of that Exploit. If you take Stress as a result of this Goal, you gain the Malfunctioning Mod Prolonged Stress. You still gain +3 to your rolls, but you must Narrate the Mod as malfunctioning in some spectacular manner any time you use it. Street Smarts 1. Electric Touch: You play with electricity. A lot. Often enough that you’ve been shocked more than your fair share of times. Honestly? You don’t even really notice anymore. Narrative must include being shocked, electrocuted, or otherwise acting as a conduit for an electric charge. 2. 3. Modifications 1. 2. 3. Stress Track: O________O________O________ O________O________ Networking (Optional) * You installed a mod for this character or someone they are close to. * You harvested mod materials from a fallen Delphian and this character attempted to obtain it for themselves. * You and this player frequently peddle at the same market. Scrapper Name: Pronouns: Religion: Sect: Tech ID: Favor: If one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, then by all the gods, do you have a lot of treasure. At home in the junkyard and in heaven when surrounded by garbage, you thrive while sifting through relics of the past in the hopes you might find something worth pawning off on someone else. You might not always know what you’ve got, but you’re willing to bet someone with goods to barter sure will. Special While choosing which Item will be included in your Exploit, if there is a mechanical Item that is not picked, you may use your knowledge of scrapping to “break” it and set it aside. If you Rest at the end of the Exploit you may “salvage” it for free and use or trade it as you wish. Street Smarts 1. Jury Rig: Have scrap, will troubleshoot. You are fantastic at repurposing junk and making it work for you. Narrative must include utilizing an item or tool in an unconventional manner. 2. 3. Modifications 1. 2. 3. Stress Track: O________O________O________ O________O________ Networking (Optional) * You and this character have a secret scrapyard that you dredge once a week. * You are the primary purveyor of specialized pre-Blackout scrap for this character’s community. * This character has a piece of scrap that you have been trying to convince them to part with for a very long time. Merchant Name: Pronouns: Religion: Sect: Tech ID: Favor: The church may own the hearts of the people, but you control their pockets. As a merchant on the streets of Delphia, you are the primary dealer of supplements, weaponry, and scrap. You’re the backbone of the economy. Everyone needs you, from your suppliers to the everyday people you trade with, and your prices are unbeatable because the deal of the day is whatever you say it is. Special Your status as a merchant affords you considerable perks, one of which is additional storage space. During any Rest you may choose to store up to 2 Items your party has earned. Their abilities will not be available as you travel, but you may reclaim them during any subsequent rest, or collect them at the end of a Crisis. Street Smarts 1. Appraisal: You’ve been around the city more than once, and you know when something is worth its price on the market. The trick is convincing others of that fact. Narrative must include convincing someone of the true–or fabricated–value of an object. 2. 3. Modifications 1. 2. 3. Stress Track: O________O________O________ O________O________ Networking (Optional) * You cut this character an impossibly good deal for which they still owe you a favor. * This character sided with you in an argument over the quality of the supplements you sell and now buys from you exclusively. * Because of a longstanding family arrangement, this character receives a discount when buying from you. Medic Name: Pronouns: Religion: Sect: Tech ID: Favor: People get hurt. A lot. So often, in fact, that you’re never lacking in wounds to tend or limbs to set. Your skills are honed to a razor’s edge on the misery of Delphia’s citizens. You’re renowned for your healing, respected for your knowledge, and no one bats an eye when you experiment on the occasional mostly-dead body to keep your abilities sharp. Special At any point you may attempt to clear a single Stress on a player’s track in conjunction with a Goal of your choice. You may target yourself. If you take Stress during this roll, whatever you were attempting to heal becomes Prolonged in addition to you taking Stress of your own. Street Smarts 1. First Aid: From band-aids to cauterization, you’re great at treating illnesses, wounds, and minor injuries. Narrative must include providing medical assistance. 2. 3. Modifications 1. 2. 3. Stress Track: O________O________O________ O________O________ Networking (Optional) * You once brought this character back from the brink of death. * This character repeatedly shuns your advice and ends up the worse for wear more often than not. * You and this character trade medicine, skills, and stories often. Religious Guide Name: Pronouns: Religion: Sect: Tech ID: Favor: Whether an Oruvian Priest, a Principlist Temple Keeper, or the ill-defined guides of the Left Hand Path and Mortali, your community rallies around your voice, and you have the presence and fortitude with which to lead them. Through the power invested in you by your shared religion, or maybe just sheer, unadulterated charisma, you’ve ascended to the height of local power and nothing gets done without your say, or at least your tacit approval. Special You can compel those of your faith to trust you. Within a Community of your Religion, you can create a Religious Fervor Hazard during which your word is considered infallible. It is assumed that you are always using this Hazard to your Narrative advantage. As a result, gain +2 to all rolls while this Hazard is active. Street Smarts 1. Public Official: People look up to you for some reason, and entrust you with handing out punishment, reward, and formal judgment. Narrative must include overseeing formal proceedings. 2. 3. Modifications 1. 2. 3. Stress Track: O________O________O________ O________O________ Networking (Optional) * This character was once a resident within your community and looked to you as their leader. * This character and you have never seen eye to eye, but they’ve still never broken your trust when it comes to defense against those who wish you ill. * Your community and this character’s community have a tumultuous relationship. Bounty Hunter Name: Pronouns: Religion: Sect: Tech ID: Favor: Sometimes the goods that need moving aren’t products - they’re people. You’re the one called on when someone has a score to settle, a debt to collect, or a grudge to satisfy. You’re there to fix the problems that talking can’t solve, and more often than not that solution involves violence or coercion. There’s no mark off limits to you, and everyone has a price. Special Once per Crisis, you may declare a Person Feature in play as your bounty. If you manage to capture or kill them, gain 3 Favor at the end of the Exploit. Street Smarts 1. Face in the Crowd: You hide in plain sight, nestled within the comforting anonymity of a huge mass of other people. It’s not comfortable, but it sure is effective. Narrative must include using a crowd of people to hide. 2. 3. Modifications 1. 2. 3. Stress Track: O________O________O________ O________O________ Networking (Optional) * You have run multiple hits for this character or their community. * Your last job put you up against this character as you both were after the same target. * You’ve run jobs with this character before in the past, and consider yourselves, if not friends, then at least friendly enough to show one another your backs. Information Broker Name: Pronouns: Religion: Sect: Tech ID: Favor: Secrets are even better than having the best goods or the shiniest mods. They go further, and the right one is far scarier than a shoulder-mounted turret or the everyday threat of starvation. A good secret can feed a clever person for a long time, and luckily you’ve managed to make knowing things and selling info into a profitable business. You know a guy. You know a lot of guys. Special You thrive off social turmoil. You may use the Gaslight Goal on your turn to shift any non-Prolonged Social Stress back onto the person that gave it to you. This must make Narrative sense. Street Smarts 1. Sycophant: You’re at your best when you’re lying. People always talk more freely when you tell them what they want to hear. Narrative must include knowingly lying to achieve an end. 2. 3. Modifications 1. 2. 3. Stress Track: O________O________O________ O________O________ Networking (Optional) * You absolutely have dirt on this character and they know it. * This character once hired you to dig up secrets on the leader of a rival community so they could leverage it to their advantage. * This character knew you before you became an Information Broker and you share a bond that you rarely experience with others as a result. Highblood Name: Pronouns: Religion: Sect: Tech ID: Favor: You were born into privilege. Maybe your parents were high ranking members of a local gang, or perhaps your mother was a prominent religious guide. In any case, you’ve never known true poverty or actual hunger and everyone around you can tell. Luckily, Delphia is run by the strong, and there is nothing that makes a person stronger in this hole of a city than power, influence, and the backing of people with social clout. You’re not worried. Special You’re used to getting your way, and if not, then you’re used to buying your way into people's’ good graces. Choose a home Community at the start of the game. Anytime you are there you can leverage your name recognition and use both Favor and Items at the Black Market. Street Smarts 1. Pure Confidence: A person can get far if they speak with authority. Why fake it til you make it when you’re already there? Narrative must include speaking with unearned confidence to influence a person’s actions. 2. 3. Modifications 1. 2. 3. Stress Track: O________O________O________ O________O________ Networking (Optional) * This character is one of the few who have seen you at your worst. * You once took pity on this character and offered them a free meal at your community. This character once challenged your power, and you engaged in quite a fight over it. Thresher Name: Pronouns: Religion: Oruvian Sect: Tech ID: Favor: You were modified to suit the needs of the Church and carve a way through the Overgrowth in the serpent’s endless quest to spread knowledge to the masses. For a time, you were an unstoppable engine of the Gods. When you reached your destination, the Church gave you a pat on the back and a lifetime membership to their armory. Now you’re just extremely good at destroying things you find unappealing. Special Your expertise in pushing through the Overgrowth means you are exceptionally adept at navigating rough terrain. Any time there is a terrain Hazard present, it is assumed that you are always using it to your Narrative advantage. As a result, gain +2 to all rolls while Hazards of this type are active. Street Smarts 1. Demolition: You’re a walking demolition machine. When you want to make a hole or knock down a tree, it takes a whole lot of effort to stop you. Narrative must include destroying part of a standing structure. 2. 3. Modifications 1. 2. 3. Stress Track: O________O________O________ O________O________ Networking (Optional) * You acted as a trailblazer for this character when they went to explore the Overgrowth. * This character helped you find your feet when the Church first cut you loose. * You helped this character demolish part of a rival community. Deathweaver Name: Pronouns: Religion: Mortali Sect: Tech ID: Favor: Part gravedigger, part interior decorator, you create beauty out of that gross stuff left behind by dead bodies. After every revel ends and Mother Death is appeased, there is still a body to contend with. You clean, process, bury, and exhume those who have passed, using their bones to add to the lavish displays within the Ossuary or other burial sites around Delphia. You create holy art in reverence to the dead–and you’re excellent at getting out the stench while you’re at it. Special You may begin skinning and extracting bones from a corpse to create a Horrifying Sight Hazard which may not be appeased for the duration of the Exploit so long as you are present. If done in a Mortali Community, gain 3 favor. Street Smarts 1. Strong Stomach: Unappealing or distasteful work is where you excel. When everyone else is unwilling to perform a task because it’s just ‘too nasty’, you shrug and get to work. Narrative must include performing an unsanitary or unpalatable task to achieve a goal. 2. 3. Modifications 1. 2. 3. Stress Track: O________O________O________ O________O________ Networking (Optional) * This character once tumbled into an open grave you were excavating. Once you finished laughing, you helped them out. * You created commemorative art from the remains of this character’s relative or close friend. * You dragged this character home from a revel after they drank themselves stupid and nearly dropped off the edge of the overpass.